Anna Basson Blog


by administrator | Local News
Only in a poemSome things, they say, are better not said. Other things, I think, are better only said in poetry.It is with their talent for unexpected turns of phrase and surprising patterns of sound that poets make us say things that we normally would not dream of – whether it is about ourselves, about others, or even to oth...  Continue reading

Oor die Berge

by administrator | Local News
Daar is iéts omtrent berge en hulle (bykans stereotiepe) standvastigheid wat rustigheid uitstraal. Woorde soos “majestueus” word dikwels gebruik om hulle grootsheid te besing, en, afhangende van die berg of bergreeks, “indrukwekkend”, “asemrowend”, “imposant”. Hierdie woorde, hoewel hulle soms clichéagtig kan voorkom, is mees...  Continue reading