Anna Basson Blog

The first sports in Stellenbosch

by 'nDromer | Local News
As early as the 1800s a variety of sports were practiced in Stellenbosch, according to Dr. Danie Craven in Stellenbosch's 300 year commemorative book (with F. Smuts).The sports practiced by the early pioneers (from the time of Adam Tas) mostly comprised of hunting, playing cards, billiards and later horse racing, although chi...  Continue reading

9 more photos from Stellenbosch history

by 'nDromer | Local News
Die "Arts department" was die eerste tersiêre inrigting in Stellenbosch (hoofsaaklik om predikante op te lei). Hier is die eerste 5 jongmanne wat in B.A. klasgeloop het. Paul Roos Gimnasium en die Victoria College het later uit die Stellenbosch gimnasium ontiwikkel  - lees hier. The arts department was the first tertiary inst...  Continue reading

Some more street names and where they come from - Stellenbosch

by 'nDromer | Local News
Andringa streetMr Watse Sebrus Andringa was one of Stellenbosch’s early magistrates or landdroste (around the same time as Ryneveld). He became landdros in 1812, but sadly was in office only for two years before his death. For some time Andringa was secretary of the Stellenbosch estate managers  office (boedelkamer).Markotter...  Continue reading

The story of G.G. Cillie's house

by 'nDromer | Local News
This beautiful gable house, hidden at the back of Metanoia and Heemstede, was built by a famous Stellenbosser, and his neighbour was also a legend.Prof G.G. Cillié and mr. Paul Roos lived as neighbours in two identical houses in Van Riebeeck Street. Most of the houses in this street (today Heemstede's lawns) had similar layou...  Continue reading

The story of the sawmills

by 'nDromer | Local News
This week I came across a beautiful historical picture of the Stellenbosch sawmills while paging through a Stellenbosch coffee table book from 1966 (the book cost R3,95):Over the past few years, there has been a lot of speculation about the sawmill on Polkadraai Road and what will happen to it. Earlier this year, Eikestadnuus...  Continue reading

The story of the Lutheran church

by 'nDromer | Local News
Architect and artistI think Carl Otto Hager would've been suprised that the old Lutheran church on the corner of Dorp Street and Bird Street is an art gallery today. He was himself a portrait painter and photographer. The small church is 163 years old and is one of Stellenbosch's most beautiful heritage pieces.Carl was born i...  Continue reading