Anna Basson Blog

Claassen Street - Where does the name come from?

by 'nDromer | Local News
The story of this somewhat obscure little street is interesting because it tells us about the people who lived in Van Riebeeck Street before it was used for residences like Heemstede and Metanoia.Interestingly, this  story also slots into a larger narrative, that of the Second World War.Henry Wicht was originally a dairy farm...  Continue reading

Die storie van Drostdystraat

by 'nDromer | Local News
Die Heemkring, 'n plaaslike belangegroep vir die dorp se erfenis, bied elke twee maande 'n aanbieding aan oor Stellenbosch se geskiedenis. Ek was gisteraand daar om na die argeoloog Hennie Vos te luister oor sy opgrawings by die Stellenbosch teologiese fakulteit.Te danke aan die wonderlike ooms en tannies was daar ook koek, t...  Continue reading

Stellenbosch had three red school buildings

by 'nDromer | Local News
Did you know that Paul Roos was once situated in Victoria Street? All three the well-known high schools in Stellenbosch are more than a century old and all three has been located in different parts of town.The old Bloemhof school is now the Stellenbosch art museum, the old Paul Roos building is the Visual Arts department, and...  Continue reading

Fire fighting in Stellenbosch's history

by 'nDromer | Local News
Stellenbosch had 2 big fires, the first in 1710 and the second in 1803. With the devastating fire of 1803, 42 buildings burned down, about a third of the town at that stage.These two disasters (as well as gale force winds that occasionally damaged the buildings) are some of the reasons why all the historic buildings in the to...  Continue reading

The story of the P.J. Olivier art centre

by 'nDromer | Local News
This week I decided to visit my alma mater, the P.J. Olivier art center on the braak.Most Stellenbossers would have heard of the art center. It is where the high schools in town (including Bloemhof, Paul Roos Gymnasium and Rhenish Girls High) go for arts and culture. The school also has extra curricular art programs from Grad...  Continue reading

Die storie van die Meulplein - Stellenbosch

by 'nDromer | Local News
Het jy geweet een van Stellenbosch se oorspronklik koringmeule was geleë op die ‘meulplein’ of ‘mill square’, vandag die klein pleintjie tussen Vida e Caffé, Mugg and Bean en die Rynse Kerk? Dit is die rede hoekom ons name het soos De Oude Meul Guest house, Mill Coffee House en uiteraard Meulstraat.Trivia oor die meul In d...  Continue reading