Anna Basson Blog

On statues and sculptures

by administrator | Events
Sculptures have always intrigued me – or rather, the artistry that surrounds making sculptures. How a sculptor can start out with a block of marble, or a slab of wood, or whichever medium they choose and then start chipping away until a form reveals itself, is a wonderful mystery to me. I am not even remotely capable of such ...  Continue reading

Oor die Berge

by administrator | Local News
Daar is iéts omtrent berge en hulle (bykans stereotiepe) standvastigheid wat rustigheid uitstraal. Woorde soos “majestueus” word dikwels gebruik om hulle grootsheid te besing, en, afhangende van die berg of bergreeks, “indrukwekkend”, “asemrowend”, “imposant”. Hierdie woorde, hoewel hulle soms clichéagtig kan voorkom, is mees...  Continue reading